This morning I was inspired by my devotional. It was talking about there being two kinds of people in the world. Those who have an eternal outlook and those who have a here & now outlook (or present).
Characteristics of an Eternal Outlook:
1. Absorbed in the permanent, heavenly minded
2. Stores treasure in Heaven
3. Hangs in there when the going gets tough
4. Willing to suffer earthly poverty, hunger, shame, indignity for the glory that will be revealed
Characteristics of a Present Outlook:
1. Absorbed in what is the here & now (earthly matters)
2. Accumulates things here on Earth
3. Happiness hinges on circumstances
4. Pursues wealth, fame, power, popularity, etc.
"I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us." (Romans 8:18)
I need to practice faith in the everyday little things. That being a stay at home mom (SAHM) is a blessing even if the world looks at it as lowly. I should get my clue right there that I am doing God's will by staying home.
I was watching a show last night about a missionary woman. She was able to help so many. I began lamenting my placement in life, but then she said something that struck me. She said "When we really give, it costs us something." I got to thinking about that and what I do at home. Is it really costing me something? If it is, then I am doing God's work and I need not lament.
I must go to take care of the many things that the Lord has for me to do. As I do that, I place this post in the Lord's capable hands in hopes that it will bless you.